

What a couple of crazy weeks! It's been difficult settling in since we got back from our trip. They've been having mandatory overtime training at work because in a few weeks we're going to be switching to a new system called Module 1. It sounds very space-age-y but it's kinda of a pain in the butt to use. Between working so much and trying to get our finances back in order and trying to get and keep the apartment clean (which isn't really working) We haven't really had time to relax and just take it in. It feels like life is just rushing us right on through! I need to figure out some time management skills so I can get done all the things I want to get done!

Good news though; Spencer was awarded Driver License Division Employee of the Month for September! I'm so super proud of him! He works so hard and he brings his work home with him even though he doesn't have to, and he's always so focused on how he can be a better employee. I'm so proud!

We've thought up an awesome costume idea for halloween! Spencer is putting off his haircut and going as Dr. Who (the Tom Baker version; it's his favorite), I'm going as the sidekick Sarah Jane, and we're going to make us a K9 out of cardboard and duct tape! We're going to Lowe's this weekend to buy all the stuff for K9 and that's going to be a blast to make, but I've got some work ahead of me! Tom Baker's trademark accessory in that show was a mismatched scarf that ranged anywhere from 13 to 21 feet long. It's a hodgepodge of different yarn colors and looks really cool, but they're super difficult to find even online, which means I have to make one! I'm crocheting like crazy and am just praying that I'm gonna be finished before Halloween! But if I do, it sure is gonna be one great memory; I'm gonna have to take lots of pictures!

So to get all the yarn for the scarf I went to Joann's yesterday after work. While I was there I noticed that they were having one of their sales where their scrapbook stuff was ALL 40% off. I was able to pick up a few really cute things for not a lot of money. I'm still need to finish our wedding pictures, start and finish our honeymoon stuff, plus our anniversary pictures, plus we have the holidays coming up; I've got a lot of work ahead of me! But I want to get it done. I love looking through my scrapbook at the pages that are already done (even though I'm REALLY not good at it!) and seeing the memories put together in such a pretty way. After Joann's I couldn't resist and I made a stop in at Heartland Paper right next door. They're a scrapbooking specialty shop and I'd never been there before but let me tell you I definitely plan on going back. I bought a TON of travel and Italy and Spain embellishments and I only spent $35! and they give you a punch card; every time to spend $5 you get a punch, and when you spend $100 (that won't take long) you get $10 of credit to spend on anything in the store! This is gonna come in handy. But I've made myself an agreement; I will not let myself do ANY scrapbooking until I get the house in order. It needs to be deep-cleaned and starting up another big, distracting project and making another mess is not going to help! I have A LOT to do in the next two weeks. Hopefully I can get it all done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going as a Whoverse Nerd with a Doctor Who sweatshirt, Torchwood shirt, and buttons from both. :)
