
Church at the Farm

Wednesday evening Calvary held it's monthly Worship at the Farm service at Wheeler Farm. Spencer and I were able to get off work early so we could go. I was so excited. We went and were able to see our friends Becca and Steve, and their little girl Allie Joy. It was so much fun! There was free barbeque and the weather was just fantastic. Pastors John and Terry got up and gave a sermon from the books of Luke and John. It was the story about how Simon Peter denied Christ three times, then when Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to Simon Peter and asked him three times, "Do you love me." Peter denied Christ three times, but three times he was reconciled. It was an awesome story that just shows that no matter how much we screw up, God will never give up on us. He is always there and it's never too late to turn back to Him.

Allie, blending in with her surroundings.

My super-handsome hubby

Scott leading the worship

Pastor Terry giving the sermon

After dinner and the sermon Spencer and I decide to wander around the farm. I LOVE farm animals. Especially Cows! and ESPECIALLY the black and white ones! Well sure enough the first animals we came to were the cows. There was a nice black and white one that came right up to me! No one was watching so I snuck in a pat on its head. We also got to see the goats, along with the tinest little baby goatie! He was so cute! He was chasing this little girl along the fence; so playful! Then I saw a sheep who was just giving me the dirtiest look I decided not to get too close! Then we went to see the horses. There was a pretty red one that was kinda skiddish, but there was a big clydesdale that just came right up to us! There were no piggies though. Maybe next time! and one of these days I'm gonna go over at 5; they'll let you milk the cows! I had a really good time.

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