Well our little miss decided she was done and wanted to make her debut early. On Saturday, January 28th, I called my doctor because I was concerned about something I was experiencing, and he told me to go to labor and delivery. When I got there, they said that I had been leaking amniotic fluid for three days and had to be induced. I was really overwhelmed and I just kept thinking, "I'm not ready yet!" I mean, I was only 35 weeks and had 5 weeks left, and 5 weeks is still a long time! But it didn't matter whether I was ready or not, I was gonna have a baby. At about 10:30 Saturday night they started me on Pitocin, which scared me. They did an ultrasound when I got there and told me that the baby was transverse (sideways) and told me that if she didn't go head down I would have to have a c-section. I told them that if it were medically necessary I would do it, but I was going to do everything in my power to avoid that option. Thank God, Evie must have heard me because 20 minutes later she was head down. They told me that I could have the epidural at any time but I wanted to wait until my contractions started. At 2:30 the rest of my water broke (WEIRD experience) and 5 minutes later the contractions started. Only took one for me to decide I was ready for the epidural! The epidural kicked in quickly and I was actually able to sleep through a lot of the contractions. At about 8:15 Sunday morning they told me to start pushing, and at 8:41 she was born! It worried me because I couldn't hear her crying but they told me she was breathing. She was so little! 5 pounds 12 ounces, and 18 inches long. And she was so beautiful! We named her Evelyn Murdock Miller.
I could only hold her for a few minutes because she had to go to the NICU for an evaluation. Thank God she didn't have any trouble breathing and was on room air from the beginning, but because she was so early they wanted to make sure there were no other problems. They moved me to a regular maternity ward room, and I didn't get to see Evie until like 5 o'clock that evening!
Unfortunately when Evie got to the NICU, they found that her blood sugar was low, and she couldn't keep her blood sugar up between feedings. She had to have an IV supplement and they had to test her blood sugar before every feeding. Poor thing had hamburger heels after a couple days because they kept having to stick her. After a few days, unfortunately jaundice set in and it set in hard. She had to be under the bili lights and a bili blanket. Her bilirubin levels went up and down, and then WAY up again. She ended up spending 8 days in the NICU, and it was SO hard on Spencer and I. After I was discharged we got a family room at the hospital and stayed there the whole week. We would go home to shower and that was about it. It was so difficult.
Evie's setup in the NICUUnder the bili lightsHolding Evie wrapped in a bili blanket. She looks like a glow worm!When it was FINALLY time to come home (Superbowl Sunday!) We wrapped Evie up well and headed for the car.
She wasn't quite sure what to make of the car seatWe've had her home for a few days now and it's SO much easier than living at the hospital. Unfortunately I haven't been healing well (more on that later) but Evie's doing well. It's great to have our little family whole!
I'm glad that she's doing great! I hope you get healing soon and feel better. <3
I feel like I just relived my NICU experience and you're right, it is REALLY hard! (We came home after 7 days on the night of the Utah/BYU game). I sincerely wish you quick healing! Delivery is hard on your body and after going through that plus a week at the NICU you seriously deserve some rest! Evie is darling! Love her! :)
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