
A Nice Spring Day

Yesterday it was 87 degrees out. Today it's 70. MUCH better. Birds are singing, The sun is out but it's not blinding. It's cloudy but not muggy. It's just perfect. We have the AC off and all the windows and doors open. Bees are flying through. Daivi is trying to eat them. It's kind of entertaining, actually. And I really feel at peace today. Today is a good day. I took some pictures, so that I could remember it.

"Mom, I swear no one fed me." "No, I remember feeding you." "That wasn't you. No one fed me. I'm hungry." "You're SURE no one fed you?" "No. I've never eaten in my entire life!"

The dogs have independently moved some of their toys outside, which is a sure sign of lovely weather.

My alums are blooming, which makes it look like purple fireworks are going off ALL OVER my yard. I LOVE it!

The japanese maple, which we've been trying to revive since we bought the house, appears to be attempting to regrow itself. This makes me happy, and I'm wondering what I can do to encourage it.

And the first sign of Spring (which of course I list last) is that my chives have COMPLETELY overrun my herb garden. As they often do. It also seems like everyone on the block has a lilac bush EXCEPT me (grr) so the whole neighborhood will smell like lilacs for the next two weeks. These are usually the best two weeks of my year. I hope this spring really does symbolize a rebirth for me and a settling into my new life. Pray for me that I stay on track!

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