
Crazy World

It really is. A lot's happened in the last few days.

My sister's husband, Paul, got into a car crash on the way to pick up Jack from school. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but their van is totalled. Paul's out of the hospital but still out of commission. We're just all thanking God that Jack wasn't in the car. Paul's doing ok, but there's no saying what kind of long-term damage will come from this. It doesn't take much to screw up your neck and back and stuff, and he got a pretty nast concussion.

A friend of mine from high school just found out that her identity was stolen. Someone in california got ahold of her credit card number and charged a couple thousand dollars worth of stuff to it. We're all hoping the company is nice to her and doesn't make her pay for it. But that royally bites for her. Makes me want to be even more careful. We all think stuff like that always happens to someone else, until it doesn't. You know?

I swear I've been completely bipolar lately. I keep going back and forth between these moods. One minute I will just be completely elated. So happy I actually cry and I feel like life is wonderful and nothing can ever happen to make it otherwise. And then something even mildly sucky will happen and I will fly off the deep end completely. I'll break down and sob and pick fights with Spencer who totally deserves better than that and I'll be depressed and miserable. It's starting to get on my nerves because it's like I'm on an emotional roller coaster. I'm already taking a high dose of antidepressants for my anxiety disorder. So why do I keep getting so depressed all the time?

1 comment:

Julie And Adam said...

I'm sorry Caitlin!!! That's how I feel! Are you sure you're not pregnant, hee hee! I tease! Life will get better. Hopefully soon, but it will pick up.