

So I got tagged on facebook and the idea is you have to write 20 facts, habits, or goals about yourself that people might not know. I had so much fun with it I decided to make it a blog post! Haha.

1. my middle name is Cory for no other reason than it rhymes with Mory, which is my mom's middle name.

2. If I had been born a boy, my name would have been Zachary Alric Carlson (initials: ZAC).

3. This is the first time in my life I have NOT had a dog. It can get very lonely.

4. I'm very emotionally dependent on other people. If I don't have the approval of everyone around me I completely break down. This tends to get in the way of things. I'm working on that one.

5. When I'm at home, I'm happy, confident, secure, all that good stuff. As soon as I leave the house, my self esteem drops and I become miserable and all-around useless. I don't get it.

6. Someday I want to own my own bakery. I don't know how this is going to happen. I'm kinda sorta hoping things will just fall into place. But until then, I'm comfortable where I am.

7. I'm addicted to Harvest Moon video games. I don't know what's so satisfying about virtual farming, but I just can't give it up.

8. I have to watch Judge Judy every day after work. If I don't, then I just can't unction for the evening.

9. Anything can give me a nightmare. Give me the most innocent, cute thing in the world and my subconscious will find a way to make it terrifying.

10. my full maiden name means "pure hill of Carl."

11. I am a compulsive shopper and a big believer in retail therapy. When I'm depressed, I can't leave the house because if I do I'll spend way too much money.

12. talk to me while I'm watching House and you might as well be talking to the wall.

13. I think I'm much prettier than I actually am. It's really funny, I picture myself one way in my head and I'll see a picture of me and be like, "That's not me. That girl's way uglier than me." people think I'm being self-depricating but I think it's the funniest damn thing.

14. I LOVE hospitals. I have no idea why. I love being inside hospitals.

15. I just don't get how people can live without having a dog. I'm sorry, I'm not being mean, I just don't get it.

16. I absolutely believe that animals are smarter than we think they are. Just ecause they don't speak english doesn't mean they can't understand what we're saying.

17. You know those Cadbury chocolate eggs that come out around Easter? The ones with the crispy shell? I buy those in bulk. I can't get enough of them.

18. I am very slowly learning that it's ok if I don't do something perfect the first time.

19. I would rather squint and give myself a headache than wear my glasses. I just on't like them. I get headaches a lot.

20. I love reading books about animals, like Alex & Me, You Are A Dog, and things like that.

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