
Happy New Year!

SO for new year's eve Spencer and I went to my good friend Amanda's for a new years party. It was so much fun, there was a great group of people there. We played some really fun group games; Spence and I actually won a game of SceneIt playing up against Kelsie and Amanda! It was sheer luck, I swear. We rang in the new years with martinis and wine (well, I did. Spencer was driving) then drove home. Between being up early for work that morning; staying up til 2; and the alcohol, I was beat! I got home and just crashed. We didn't wake up til like 10 this morning and didn't get out of bed til noon. It was wonderful. Then we wandered our way downtown to see the Bodyworlds exhibit (I bought us tickets for a Christmas present). It was AWESOME! It was absolutely amazing and I think that if you have the chance everyone should go before the exhibit closes. They had some absolutely fascinating things there and I learned a lot of new, amazing stuff! Did you know that when a woman's pregnant, she actually grows additional mammary glands and ducts? Who knew! There's so many amazing things about the body I didn't know!

Me looking gorgeous with my pomegranite martini.

Spencer and I: officially the Cutest Couple Ever.

Outside the Bodyworlds exhibit. Unfortunately, they didn't allow photography inside.

On the way home Spencer took me to Iceberg for dinner (I'm addicted to their chicken, it's amazing) and then we came home. It was a great day and we still have the whole weekend ahead of us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Catie! I found your blog through Savannah's and am soooo happy! You and Spencer really are pretty dang cute! Hopefully you don't mind my blog stalking now! Hehe!